3D (Don't Discriminate Daughters)

Project 1
(Title mentioning the International dimension and brief description of the project):
3D (Don’t Discriminate Daughters)
Being a girl or a woman in our society is quite challenging. If you are one, then you can recall a number of things which your parents and society says to you but not your brother. In every family, every girl faces discrimination to some extent. It is not necessary that parents are discriminatory, but our surroundings make them over cautious. This is because, they want their daughter to be safe and secure all the time. However, the conditions for REMAINING SAFE, sometimes seems very unfair. And the worst fact is that boys/men seem to be discounted of such “protection “. Ultimately, these things turn into gender inequality. This project is designed from the curriculum topic of social studies of grade 8 and 9 Unit: 3 (Social Problems and their Solutions)
This project aims to bring some positive changes in the mentality of students in connection with gender inequality and help them find its causes, impacts and present status in the society and also involve them in finding solutions to this problem.
Collaborative project with an international partner
SDG focus:

·         Gender equality (SDG Goal 5)
·         Peace, Justice and Strong Institution (SDG Goal 16)
Minimum three Learning
Outcomes- at the end of the
activity the students will be able to (Write in terms of Knowledge and Skills):
  •  identify the present status of women in Nepalese society in general and specifically about gender discrimination of both school societies.
  • List out the major causes, consequences and solutions of gender discrimination.
  • Prepare different slogans and placards using quotes and proverbs to create mass awareness on this topic.
  • Write a report and do presentation on this topic.
Brief and clear description of Activity that will help in attaining the projected learning outcomes (at least one activity for each learning outcome)
  • Identify the partner school to conduct the project and discuss about the significance and the way the project can be well implemented.
  • Conduct the orientation programme for the students by the experts related to the topic.
  • Field visit to local organizations working in the field of gender equality like The Women’s Foundation Nepal (WFN) and UNDP Nepal with the list of questionnaires about gender discrimination and present status of women in Nepalese society and take interview with concerned authorities.
  • Prepare a report on the findings of interview taken and present it in school assembly.
  • Collect, analyse and interpret the primary and secondary data and find out the causes and impacts of gender inequality.
  • Conduct audio-visual presentation on the findings of gender inequality in Nepal.
  • Send the questionnaire, worksheet, presentation reports, data both primary and secondary and photos of different activities.
  • Compare, analyse and interpret each other’s work and pin point the differences of each other’s.
  • Send and collect the feedback from the partner school and share the outcomes, experience and new findings to each other in written form.
  • Conduct awareness programme through street rallies.
  • Skype question-answer session based on the research and data.
  • Explore the hidden issues related to gender inequality in both countries and share the outcomes.
  • List out the causes, consequences and remedies of gender inequality in both countries and share the outcomes.
Month and duration of activity
02 Months |15th January 2020 to 15th March 2020.
Classes / no. of pupils involved
Class 8 & 9 | 31 Participants
Countries covered
Nepal, India and Bangladesh
Subjects covered with curriculum link
Social Studies Class 8 Unit: 3 (Social Problems and Their Solutions) Chapter: Dowry System
Social Studies Class 9 Unit: 4.1 (Social Problems and Their Solutions) Chapter: Identification of Social Problems.
Teachers responsible
Dinesh Tajpuriya, Roshan Chaudhary and Radhika Baral
Evaluation methods to measure the learning outcome among the pupils
  • Data collection record sheets including both primary and secondary data
  • Slide presentation by students
  • Report writing
  • Report with cause-effect relationships
  • Skype quiz/ question session with partner school.

  • Copies of evaluation sheet
Evidences to be provided in the portfolio
  • Photos
  • Feedback letter from partner school
  • Email communications
  • Placards.
  • Videos
  • Captions
  • Screenshots of schools online by email exchange

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